Summer is just around the corner and that means you should make sure your home is safe and secure this summer. You should always practice home safety and security, no matter what time of year, but with longer days and kids on break from school, there are some additional considerations.
Make Sure Your Home is Safe and Secure this Summer
Home Security
You don’t have to have a home monitoring system to have a secure home – but it can be helpful, especially if you travel. Many services offer security and safety features like calling the police and fire department if the alarm is tripped. If you don’t have a service there are still things you can do to keep your home safe from burglars and reduce fire risk. Make sure your smoke detectors are in good working order and have fresh batteries. When you’re away from the home be sure to lock all the doors and windows. Unlocked doors and windows are how most burglars enter the home. Don’t welcome them in. Keep your yard well lit and consider installing motion detectors. Get to know your neighbors as they are going to keep an eye on what’s happening in the neighborhood. Crime goes down when neighbors know one another.
Water Safety
If you have a pool be sure everyone know about water safety. No matter what kind of pool – above ground, below ground, hot tub or kiddie pool – if you have water you could have an accident if it isn’t monitored properly. Make sure kids don’t have unsupervised access to the water. Keep pool areas locked and hot tubs covered when not in use. Empty out the kiddie pool when not in use, this can reduce mosquitoes too, so it’s a good idea. Make sure caretakers, grandparents, babysitters and parents have been trained in CPR and are not distracted by mobile devices. People rarely make noise when drowning so it’s important to keep an eye on all who are enjoying the water.
Vehicle Safety
Never leave a child or pet in a hot vehicle while you make a quick errand. Leave them at home or bring them into the store with you. Do not leave children or pets inside a running vehicle either. When not in use, be sure the doors and trunk are locked. Keep valuable out of sight or remove them and bring them into the house for safe keeping. Don’t give criminals an excuse to break into your car by leaving valuables in plain sight.
The 4th of July will be here soon enough and that means many people will suffer serious injuries because they didn’t follow the rules of fireworks or perhaps mixed fireworks with alcohol. Do not allow children to play with fireworks of any kind without proper adult supervision. If you’re lighting fireworks, be sure to have a working hose or fire extinguisher nearby.